Need Food? Berkeley Food Pantry is here to help…

The Basics.

All individuals who reside, work, or attend school in Albany and Berkeley and are in need of emergency groceries are welcome to visit the pantry.

We are open for walk-ups from 2 - 4pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

We are located at 1600 Sacramento Street in Berkeley, at the corner of Sacramento and Cedar Streets.

You can reach us on public transportation via AC Transit line 52, which stops right outside our building on Sacramento Street.

The North Berkeley BART station is just three blocks south of Cedar on Sacramento.

We have a small parking lot and there is nearby street parking.

The Berkeley Food Pantry is wheelchair accessible.

What if I don't live in Berkeley or Albany?

There are food pantries in every community. If you live in Alameda County, call the Alameda County Community Food Bank at (510) 635-3663 or visit to find the food pantry closest to your home. If you live in Contra Costa County, call the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano at (855) 309-3663 or visit

What Happens When I Come to the Pantry?

When should I come to the pantry?

The parking lot at 1600 Sacramento is shared with a preschool and is an active worksite with vehicles entering and exiting. Clients are not allowed to line up in the parking lot before 1pm. If you come before then you will be asked to leave until 1pm. We often have a long line right at 2pm when we open, but we are usually able to serve ~120 clients per hour and the line moves quickly.

What will I receive when I come to the pantry?

Everyone receives a selection of USDA food as long as it is available. ALL households will receive a selection of items purchased by or donated to the pantry. This includes shelf stable staples, frozen meat, and a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, and bread. 

Do I need to bring anything?

Yes, when you visit the pantry, you'll need to bring: 

  • Identification: To receive food you need to bring a photo ID the first time you come to the pantry.

On your first visit, you will be issued a card with a barcode that works at all Alameda County food pantries that are associated with the Alameda County Community Food Bank. Please always bring this card with you when you visit.

How often can I receive groceries?

The Berkeley Food Pantry is an emergency food resource only. Please seek our services when it is an emergency. We do not allow more than two visits per month.

For ongoing help with getting food, please call any of these agencies:

  • City of Berkeley WIC Information: 510-981-5360.  Support and aid for pregnant and nursing women and young children.

  • CalFresh:  877-847-3663. Food purchasing assistance (formerly food stamps, AKA SNAP). 

  • General Assistance:  510-891-0700. Alameda County Social Services, 2000 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, Ca. 

What if I can't make it to the pantry myself?

Often, clients cannot make it to the pantry themselves due to illness or infirmity. When that happens, clients can send a representative to the pantry to pick up groceries for them. All we require is that the client fill out a form designating that person as their representative. In addition, the representative will need to present his or her own photo id when picking up groceries for the client. If the client is unable to visit the pantry to fill out the form, the client's representative can visit the pantry with the client's photo id and a signed and dated note with the client's address and family size, and the name of the representative picking up the food. The representative will receive groceries and a form to use at the next visit. We require that the representative return a completed form at the time of each visit.

The Berkeley Food Pantry offers a home delivery program. Currently, the home delivery waiting list is closed and we are not accepting applications at this time. Please check back for updates.