Supporters and
Our Supporters and Partners
The Berkeley Food Pantry, a project of Berkeley Friends Church, has been able to serve the Berkeley and Albany community since 1969 because of past and current supporters and partner organizations. Thank you, civic and faith organizations, foundations, groups, businesses and community members for your long support of this feeding ministry. Below is a list of some of our supporters and partner organizations. Most of our support comes from individuals and households (including those who wish to be anonymous) in the Berkeley and Albany community who want a world where everyone can access nutritious food.
Berkeley Food Pantry's Supporters and Partners:
Alameda County Community Food Bank
Albertson Foundation/Feed the Need
All Soul's Episcopal Parish in Berkeley
Allen H. & Selma W. Berkman Charitable Trust
Berkeley Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)
Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project
Church Women United- Berkeley and Albany Unit
Colgan Family Fund
Community Foundation, a pledge of the Bridge Association of Realtors
CWS- Berkeley Crop Hunger Walk
More Supporters and Partners:
First Congregational Church of Berkeley
George J. & Theresa L. Cotsirilos Merced Foundation
Harvey & Leslie Wagner Foundation
The Horizons Foundation (The A&P Lesbian Fund)
People's Life Fund & Northern California War Tax Resistance
Saint Mary Magdalen Parish of Berkeley
San Francisco Foundation (FAITHS Program)
Share the Spirit, a non-profit operated by East Bay Times and Bay Area Newsgroup
Strawberry Creek Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)